Self-Healing a practice for all hours


Peace Times 1

Here is some practical advice to have a good day, using the methods of Ngalso Self-Healing. At the time of waking, we imagine ourselves surrounded by pure beings playing celestial music and dancing around us, sending us their pure crystal energy: in the form of rays of white light entering the central channel of our body, pervading it with purifying nectar. Relishing the resulting sense of bliss: we inhale all the positive energy of the universe, and we exhale every negativity, maturing the firm intention to accomplish one more positive action and one less negative action, both for our benefit and for that of all living beings.

Then we proceed with washing and putting on our make-up: let us cleanse and beautify our mind whilst taking care of our precious body. In the shower, we wash our skin with soap and simultaneously we “wash” our five chakras: the seat of the elements making up our body and universe, with mantra, mudra and colours. We draw our hands across the crown chakra, seat of the space element, blue in colour, and we imagine that we gather all the impurities between our fingers, which we will then dissolve into space by stretching our arms and reciting the mantra EH HO SHUDDHE SHUDDHE SOHA. We repeat the same action at the secret chakra, seat of the wind element, green in colour: YAM HO SHUDDHE SHUDDHE SOHA. At the navel chakra, seat of the fire element, red in colour: RAM HO SHUDDHE SHUDDHE SOHA. At the heart chakra, seat of the earth element, yellow in colour: LAM HO SHUDDHE SHUDDHE SOHA. At the the throat chakra, seat of the water element, white in colour: BAM HO SHUDDHE SHUDDHE SOHA.

After a shower like this we will be ready to leap confidently over any daily obstacles. However, should we still feel lonely, tired or stressed, we can recite the mantra OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNI SHAKYAMUNIYE SOHA. Eating and drinking can also become powerful Self-Healing actions: let us concentrate on food and drinks, to purify them and energize them with the mantra OM AH HUM. And so too with sleep, let us grant ourself a foreboding rest filled with beautiful dreams, drawing our right hand upon our heart to rediscover its natural warmth and reciting the mantra OM BISHWA SHANTI HUM.



How to learn Self-Healing

Meetings in the meditation hall of Kunpen Lama Gancen and Peace Services Associations (Milan, Italy, via Marco Polo 13, Tel.02/29010263) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6.30pm, for Self-Healing study groups and every day at 7.30pm for the collective practice.

sOn 15th December, at the Blaise & Francis Hotel (Milan, via Butti 9) there will be a two-day course dedicated to Tibetan massage held by Dr Lobsang Shresta.

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