Peaceful alternative

In Kathmandu, world talks on the «healing» of humanity

Peace Times 11

Lama Gangchen meets the Prime Minister of Nepal G.P. Koirala,
in Kathmandu

Among the most interesting speeches, those of peace educator Nath Prasad and former Ambassador Jayaraj Acharya. Meeting with Prime Minister Koirala

«Peace is the power of the world, peace is everything, without peace we can't do anything» were the words sung by Nepalese school children to mark the opening of the third International Congress for Alternative Medicines and Non-Formal Education held at the Himalayan Healing Centre last February. The two day meeting hosted and organised by the Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation was attended by around 250 people and received interest from local Nepalese people and associations as well as international bodies such as the Global Open University, International Association of Educators for World Peace, and the Open International University for Complementary Medicines.

Officially opened by the traditional lighting of the lamp ceremony performed by Rt. Hon. Sher Bahadur Denpa, former Prime Minister of Nepal, the meeting gave a forum to lively discussions on peace education and health. In the keynote address His Excellency Jayaraj Acharya, former Ambassador of Nepal to the UN, conveyed the greetings of the Prime Minister and continued by reminding those present that: «It is the precious non-violent energy of Lord Buddha which is now helping Nepal to grow into a centre for non-violent education». The next speaker continuing on the subject of education made the following comment: «Nepal's education system will not solve any of our problems, because we do not teach our children to be aware of violence. If we allow our children to grow with inner conflicts these of course will manifest in our society». Dr Nath Prasad representing the IAEWP closed the first day of talks on education by saying: «Education planners have never understood that health and peace are essential: not everyone has access to formal education, but non-formal education is available to all - underlining that - if we want to set the world right we must first set individuals right». A simple but meaningful message for those participating in the meeting.

The second day focusing on gentle healing methods included informative and some moving speeches on homeopathy, working with terminally ill people, discovering the power of healing energy and Tibetan medicine. Doctor Nita proposed the practice of yoga as a way to unify the inner and outer worlds, underlining its importance by saying: «Yoga opens our inner awareness and relaxes the mind. Without a relaxed mind we cannot experience inner peace, which is the only thing that can bring positive changes to humanity». Concentrating on themes such as peace and environmental care both days were concluded with informal poetry reading sessions.

During a special meeting, which took place on March the 11th, T.Y.S Lama Gangchen presented the Millennium Peace Award to His Excellency the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Nepal Mr G.P.Koirala. On behalf of the members of his Foundation, Lama Gangchen expressed a sincere appreciation of the Koirala family's dedicated work over the past generations and in particular congratulated the Prime Minister for encouraging the revival of the ancient sacred site of Lumbini (the birthplace of Lord Buddha) and declaring it the «Fountain of World Peace» during the World Buddhist Summit held last December.

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