Around the world

Travelling successes for LGWPF

Peace Times 10

The Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation peace journeys are a great success.

At the end of October 1998 the L.G.W.P.F. peace messengers brought great life to the international congress of alternative medicine which took place in Colombo, Sri Lanka, as usual under the guidance of Doctor Anton Jayasuriya, acupuncturist of international fame.

They shared healing methods to achieve inner peace - and thus contribute to building world peace - with over three thousand participants in the course of a seven day programme organised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the Medicine Buddha Centre.

The group then reached Borobudur in Indonesia in December, where Lama Gangchen gave a two week teaching on how to use the stupa mandala to overcome one’s own mental defects, and maximise the development of one’s own abilities for the benefit of all living beings. Thereafter, he landed in Taiwan - in the capital Taipei and the city of Tainah in Taichan, where he took part in conferences organised by Venerable Wu, attended by over two thousand people.

Lastly, China: Hong Kong and Beijing, where he had joyful encounters with hundreds of people interested in inner and world peace.

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