Happy Death

Gaunts House from 24th to 28th of June

Peace Times 11

With the advent of the scientific revolution and George Engel’s notion of “the body as a machine and the mind as the brain” we have forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors concerning life and death. Death is all too often hidden behind closed doors and many people die alone, unprepared and indeed terrified.

In the past our ancestors have developed maps of the soul’s journey through life and death to help the living person prepare for the great adventure of death and dying. According to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, our body is formed and sustained by the elements: wind, fire, earth, water and space. At death when they disintegrate, this can be an overwhelming and frightening experience for those who are unprepared.

Lama Gangchen will be sharing methods for remaining peaceful and happy during the death process, to overcome fear and feeling overwhelmed by the disintegration of our five elements of body and mind during a five day study retreat to be held at Gaunts House in Dorset, England, from the 24th to the 28th of June.

During the course of the five day programme, which includes meditation and self-healing, as well as a “Wisdom Fire Puja” purification ceremony - to eliminate interferences to long life, remove sicknesses and to pacify any obstacles to a successful life - and a concert and Tibetan cham dancing night, Tibetan monks will be constructing a World Peace sand mandala symbolising the world’s main religious and spiritual traditions.

The five days will conclude with a special ceremony and prayers dedicated to world peace within the stone circles at Stonehenge, with the participation of representatives of different religious and spiritual traditions.

For information contact Gaunts House, tel: +44-1202-841522;
fax: +44-1202-841959.


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