Goodbye alcohol with Self-Healing

A testimony from England about how the NgalSo practice works against addiction

Peace Times 11

Since I was about thirty-five years old, I have become very dependent upon alcohol to comfort me in my anxiety, as a single parent of a young daughter. I also became a problem drinker because my novels, which I worked hard to create, were continuously rejected by many publishers over the years.

My friend Michael Nicolson introduced me to Lama Gangchen's Tantric Self-Healing at the end of 1995, and I began to do the practice at home, usually alone, sometimes with Angela Long.

NgalSo means to relax, and in the «Living Sober» book it emphasizes how important relaxation is for people trying to overcome drink related problems. Natural relaxation, that is!

The mantras recited during the practice gave me mind protection from obsessive thinking about alcohol and drinking.

My chakras were cleared from negative emotions, especially the anger blocking energy in my heart chakra. So, I am continuously amazed how this practice of NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing which Lama Gangchen has offered to people of all religious denominations, has lessened my desire to drink too much alcohol, and cleared my mind for more creative thoughts.

I still take anti-depressants to help me, but I do now simply believe that the trust my friends have had in the healing lama has helped me, so I can be dependent on love, not on drugs.

The traditional treatment centres that I attended (for periods of six to nine weeks) over the last ten years, believed that I was impossible to cure. They said it was because of my inbuilt arrogance, but it was not true. All I needed was faith. I strongly believe that anybody suffering from the spiritual illness of addiction can be greatly helped by the NgalSo Tantric Self-Healing practice of Lama Gangchen.

Grace means, literally, an undeserved gift from God, and that is what I feel I have been given by Lama Gangchen... many blessings!

Sally Moore - Bath, England

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