Wall to wall harmony

Following NgalSo Feng Shui principles to create the «perfect» house

Peace Times 12

Walls painted in natural shades, space for plants, candles,
crystals and wind chimes
Offerings and prayers on the day of the big move

NgalSo Feng Shui is an ancient system used to live in harmony. In the past, when building a house, one would choose a suitable plot of land, study the correct position for doors and windows, as well as the position of the house itself in relation to rivers, mountains, roads ....

Nowadays, considering that we mostly choose to live in ready-made houses, we can use the principles of feng shui by adapting them to modern western customs.

First of all, we must choose an auspicious day - perhaps based upon the Tibetan calendar - when deciding to move: the positive energy of a particular day will remain within the house. As we enter the new environment where we are to live for the first time, the initial thing to do is to call upon our spiritual master: with his/her inspiration and protection we can begin our work well. Next, we shall take care to perform the purification of the various rooms by reciting mantras, burning incense and displaying flowers.

Those of us who live in the city miss nature and wish to put ourselves back in connection with mother earth and the five elements, which make up the macrocosm as well as our body. By using natural crystals, we can enter into contact with the earth element and bring this pure energy into our environment. By putting up some water fountains, we come into contact with the water element, thus rebalancing our system of inner liquids and our circulation. By opening the windows during a beautiful day, we let in the energy of the sun and therefore the fire energy comes close to us. There is no problem should it rain: we can light coloured candles or light a fire in the hearth.

We can find a place in the house where to place wind chimes: these are of great help to bring back harmony and dissipate any discord. The chiming of the bells make us feel the sound of peace. Light can be brought into the house though the prisms of crystals gathered and hung on the window frames: they multiply the sun rays, shining myriads of rainbows into our rooms.

The walls of the rooms should be painted with colours that we feel vibrate within us: we should mix the colours together until we achieve the tonality which is most suitable to us. We should always use natural and ecological colours: the walls of the house are like the skin through which we breathe.

Plants are to be welcomed into our home: we can place two vases on either side of the door as guardians to the place, or even dress up an exising crack in the wall.

NgalSo Feng Shui means to eliminate both inner and outer environmental negativities. In this way we eliminate blockages and any broken things, we fix drawers and doors which do not open, we clean the windows and the crystals, remembering to water the plants and cleaning our whole house with care. Let us also remember to take care with all our actions, thus reinforcing our good motivation in life.

Claudia Proushan

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