The Challenge of the III Millennium


Peace Times 13

Spiritual Forum meeting, Seoul International NGO conference: from left, H.E. Shah S.M.N. Alam, Ven. Kim Sang Beak, H.E. Lama Gangchen & Maureen Chen

by T.Y.S. Lama Gangchen

The new Millennium is dawning, may it rise triumphant with peace! Let us put aside fear and harming prophesies by concentrating on positive thought, so that the future is not filled with desperation and suffering as the past has been. The priorities are many: put a stop to wars, child labour, the destruction of the eco-system, world famine... It has become a necessity to make life less expensive: both on the economic level as well as on the more subtle vital energy level. We must change our habits and diminish the amount of violence present in our daily lives and in the world at large.

The people of the XXIst century need to be educated to keep a peaceful mind, in order to act non-violently at all times and in all situations. It is becoming increasingly more evident that we need to rediscover the invaluable contribution to humanity of spiritual wisdom: to support a true global culture of peace it is imprtant that a major United Nations Spiritual Forum is created. The new Millennium must include education programmes to transform the culture of violence into a culture of peace, so that we can recover the original harmonious nature of our mind and overcome any negativity... only inner peace can give us the clarity and courage to face all the problems we have inherited from the XXth century and the shadows which the dawning of the XXIst century has brought along. Let us renounce all forms of violence and give both our lives and our planet a new perspective of love and joy. Our individual inner peace is the most solid base we can offer to world peace. Peace is the solution to all our problems. By choosing peace we automatically bring a solution to our personal, family, social and even international conflicts.

The future of the world depends on us: let us act so as to permeate politics and science, medicine and economy, information and entertainment with the principals of non-violence. Peace is without a doubt the best investment for ourselves, for the global village and for future generations.

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