Stars to make your soul shine

How the stars will affect us over the next three months

Peace Times 10


In these times of great changes and expansion in the outer world, let us remember our inner world: our past actions and memories are wonderful tools which, if we learn how to use them well, can help us bring about the new kind of awareness we can always draw upon to make decisions about our lives. May the stars help us to focus and point the way to the greater light within each one of us, for the benefit of all beings.


Aries: Now is the time to cleanse and purify certain aspects of your life. Remember, once you have removed the shadows, you will truly shine in your own right.

Taurus: A great time for growth and new ideas, if you are willing to share them with others. Good fortune is in the air for you if you put your doubts aside.

Gemini: Release yourself from any bonds that have been making you a prisoner of your own fears. Spread your wings and fly. Be generous both with yourself and with others.

Cancer: You are about to overcome an important challenge - this opens the way forward. The rewards are sweet victory and success. Remember however, to share your joys and they will increase evermore.

Leo: Listen to others, they may well speak words of wisdom! This will help you to become unstuck and shed some light upon your thoughts and deeds. A great time for growth.

Virgo: As you face new challenges, gather with new and old friends to exchange ideas and thoughts. This is a turning point in your life and you will receive the boost you need.

Libra: Wipe the dust and pay attention, this will give you the insight you need to go beyond appearances. This is a great time for new possibilities, trust in your own judgement.

Scorpio: Do not push so hard! Take care of your body and slow down. Tame your mind and come back to your centre and you will discover the inner comfort you need to harmonise with others.

Sagittarius: Electrifying changes - no more frustration! This is your moment, so use your positive energy and let your intentions be known. A great time for happiness and rejoicing.

Capricorn: Expansion and more expansion. Trust in your abilities and talents to develop new skills and you will gradually realise your potential.

Aquarius: Sow the seeds now. This is a productive time in your life when the ground is most fertile for whatever you wish to undertake both on a long and short term basis.

Pisces: Rejoice in your present good fortune and you will truly be helpful and encouraging to others who need your advice and perhaps even a few words of wisdom!


Divination & Destiny
How much truth is in predictions

With the arrival of a new year, both clairvoyants and astrologists are going crazy with mostly positive predictions. But, how can they know what will happen?

The most varied forms of divination exist in all cultures, according to their history, but even if they seem far removed from each other they are all based on the law of cause and effect; some call it destiny, others karma or fate...

Our future is undoubtedly predictible if we use our past as a base. We are creating our own future moment to moment, thought after thought, reaction after reaction. The circumstances waiting for us tomorrow are determined by the actions and reactions of today, and so on to infinity like a circle.

By analysing, with the mind and heart free of any concept or preconception, the character of a person and determining their predominent element it is possible to predict the circumstances they will face in the future.

There exists no power to see the future; anyhow: are we really that sure that knowing the future will bring us happiness?

Enzo Di Lauro

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