A touch of magic

Discovering Watsu: shiatsu in water

Peace Times 12

Objective: to discover the psycho-physical benefits and naturalness of contact, thus rediscovering the way to satisfy one’s innate need to touch and be touched without sexual implications: using the same energy a mother uses with her children.

Californian poet Harold Dullt suggests «how». An expert in the ancient eastern massage technique known as shiatsu, he decides in 1980 to combine it with the redskins healing traditions - knowledge holders of the benefits received by thermal waters - to amplify its effects, thus watsu: union of water and shiatsu was born.

This massage is practised in couples, in a heated pool, by alternating roles. The effect of touch on specific energetic points combined with the sub-acquatic massage allows for deep physical and mental relaxation. Excellent results were obtained by using watsu as physiotherapy, as a support for those with handicaps, as an instrument of meditation, as a birthing method...

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