Healing Light

Experience of an English researcher

Peace Times 10


Thrity Engineer is a Bio-Lumanetics practitioner. Her fascinating presentation explains, with photographic illustrations how light emitted by a life-form can be coherent or incoherent (out-of-sync). Her work of photographing the energy of light, is an example of how 21st century can access ancient knowledge. «In the West we want to measure everything but how can we measure love or compassion, we need a new language» said Thrity. «Negative and positive impact is happening all the time. How can we measure it? How can we measure the effect of a thought? Life emits light. Light is the irreducible element of all phenomena. Each thought has an impact on our photon emission».

Bio-Lumanetics is a new life science with vast implications. Working with the principle that the quality and the intesity of the light emitted by the life-form is directly related to its health or vitality, specialist means of photographing this energy reveal much about the subject.Thrity demonstrates how she has worked with certain family groups to show them by means of photographs how they affect each other’s energy in a positive or negative way. When one member of a family group is negatively affected their image in the photograph became incoherent or fuzzy. When the energy relationship can be seen clearly in this way it is easier for people to understand

.In her work Thrity proceeds to seek ways of transforming incoherent energy into coherent energy so that symptoms abate and wellness occurs.

She has reported success in helping people with a variety of chronic illness such as ME, Attention Deficit Disorder in children, candida, PMT, insomnia, migraine and arthritis.Part of this treatment may include time in the Monocrom Light / Colour Dome, a structure 9 feet high in which monochromatic colour can be experienced. Studies have shown that monochromatic light reaches the nucleus of the cells, as opposed to the plasma around the cells, and therefore literally wakes us up at the deepest cellular level.

For further information on Biolumanetics contact Thrity at:
+44 181 8786693

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